Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, September 25, 2023, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
2022-2023 Financial Audit - Kurt Folke, from Quest CPAs, spoke to Trustees about the District's Financial Audit for the 2022-2023 school year. Board Members voted to approve the 2022-2023 Financial Audit.
Facilities Assessment - Trustees heard from Bill Hamlin and Jeff Brewer, from Design West Architects, about the District’s Facilities Assessment. This report provided Board Members with information on building condition evaluations, health and safety items, and building assessment scores.
School Improvement Update - Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, spoke to Trustees about the District’s Reading Indicators, ISAT, and Math data provided by the Idaho State Department of Education.
Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.
Upcoming Events - Family Engineering Event, Caldwell Fine Arts, Caldwell High School Theatre