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Board Report 2023 » October 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting

October 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees October 23, 2023, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.

Caldwell and Vallivue Boundary Analysis - Trustees heard from Brent Orton, from Orton Engineering, who helped analyze discrepancies between the Idaho State Tax Commission Maps, Caldwell and Vallivue School District Maps, and the legal descriptions. The District's legal description matches the current boundaries.

2023-2024 SRO Contract - Board Members voted to approve the 2023-2024 SRO Contract.

Maintenance of Effort - Julie Mead, Chief Officer of Special Services, provided Trustees with information and clarity about the District’s Special Education funding. Cheryl Sanderson, Chief Financial Officer, provided a summary about the Maintenance of Effort for the District over the past 10 years.

Simbli - Trustees heard from Keely Cheney, Clerk of the Board, on how the District will be transferring over to Simbli from BoardDocs. The Simbli Board Meeting software allows the District to share and post information about board meetings and manage the boards' work effectively.

Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.

Adjournment - To meet again, unless otherwise announced on Monday, November 13, 2023, at Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore, Caldwell, Idaho, 83605.