Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, June 19, 2023, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
Roofing Contracts - Bernie Carreira, Director of Maintenance, presented Trustees with information on roofing contracts for Washington and Van Buren Elementary Schools. Board Members voted to approve both roofing contracts.
Teach for America Agreement - Trustees heard from Shannon Flower, Director of Human Resources, on the District’s Teach for America Agreement. This allows the District to recruit teachers who are working to earn their teaching certifications while still being able to work in the classroom. Trustees voted to renew the Teach for America Agreement.
Securing Our Future Grant - Trustees heard from Bernie Carreira, Director of Maintenance, on how the District will use the Securing Our Future Grant. The grant will provide the District with a bullet resistant laminate that will be placed over doors and windows at all 11 sites. The laminate will provide an extra layer of security to school buildings. Trustees voted to approve and accept the Securing Our Future Grant.
Idaho School Benefit Trust Employer Participation Agreement - Shannon Flower, Director of Human Resources, shared information about the District’s Benefit Agreement. Trustees voted to approve the Idaho School Benefit Trust Employer Participation Agreement.