Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees September 11, 2023, Regular Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Dr. French recognized Brian Bartley, teacher at Canyon Springs High School, for his service during September 11th, 2001. Mr. Bartley shared his experience being in the police academy at the time of the attacks. He recently retired from the NYPD after 20 years of service and is now teaching Criminal Justice at CSHS.
Nick Mendez, Caldwell High School Student Representative, provided Trustees with an update on athletics, academics, and activities.
Canyon Springs High School Student Representative, Jason Roblero-Lopez, shared upcoming events happening at Canyon Springs during the month of September.
Trustees voted to approve the following items:
The Board approved the following item that was pulled from the consent agenda:
- No one signed up for Patron input.
- Certified Nursing Assistant Program - Theresa Sigel, CNA, MA, and Mental Health Teacher at Caldwell High School, spoke to Trustees about the Doctor for the Day Program. The goal for this program is to inspire and encourage students in underrepresented communities to consider medicine or other healthcare careers. Hands-on stations such as teaching physical exam skills, patient interviewing techniques, and suturing.
- Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) Classification - Jon Hallock, Caldwell High School Activities Director, provided Trustees with information on the new classification system in the IHSAA.
- Special Education Parent Training - Julie Mead, Chief Officer of Special Services, provided Trustees with information on a new monthly parent training on special education. This will provide parents with resources and information about the special education services available, how to support student in school and at home, behavior management principles, and the parent's role at the IEP/504 meeting.
- Attendance Campaign - Board Members heard from Paul Webster, Community Schools and Family Engagement Coordinator, about the District’s Attendance Campaign. The campaign is to help raise awareness about how to prevent chronic absenteeism and how it can affect a student's academic career.
- 2023 Dollar Certification of Budget Request to Board of County Commissioners L-2 - Trustees voted to approve the 2023 Dollar Certification of Budget Request to Board of County Commissioners L-2 pertaining to the District’s Supplemental Levy.
- Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) - Board Members reviewed, discussed, and approved the District’s Continuous Improvement Plan.
- Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) - Board Members heard from Eric Phillips, Director of Student Safety, about the Districts Emergency Operation Handbook. Trustees voted to table the Emergency Operations Procedures to discuss and review at a later date.
- Idaho School Boards Associations (ISBA) Convention Registration - Trustees are planning to attend the ISBA Convention.
- Future Agenda Items - CFEO, EOP Handbook, and the Caldwell High School Accreditation
Proposed Policies:
Trustees voted to accept the required Policies up for Yearly Review:
- Policy 901 School District Facilities Rental - Use
- Policy 1600 Code of Ethics for School Board Members
- Policy 2200 School Year, Calendar and Instructional Hours
- Policy 2420 Parent and Family Engagement
- Policy 2420P Parent and Family Engagement Procedures
- Policy 3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention/Response
- Policy 3295 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying
- Policy 3300 Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Nicotine Innovations Free Zone
- Policy 3330 Student Discipline
- Policy 3510 Student Medicines (reviewed August 14, 2023)
- Policy 3530 Suicide (reviewed July 10, 2023)
- Policy 7005 Electronic Banking and Electronic Payments
- Policy 7305 Investment of Funds
- Policy 7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees
- Policy 8170 District-Owned Vehicles
Trustees voted to approve the Errata Revisions for the following policies:
Trustees voted to Request to Rescind for the following policy:
First Reading:
Trustees voted to approve the following policies:
Second and Final Reading:
Trustees voted to approve the following policies:
Upcoming Events:
- Fall Family Sports Night
- Girls Soccer: 9/12/23
- Volleyball: 9/26/23
- Football: 9/29/23
- September 11, 2023 - Patriots Day
- September 22, 2023 - Homecoming Parade and Football game
- October 23-27, 2023 - Parent Teacher Conference week
- November 7, 2023 - Election Day
To meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, September 25, 2023, at Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore, Caldwell, Idaho, 83605.