Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, July 24, 2023, Special Meeting and Board Training intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
Personnel Report - Trustees voted to approve the Personnel Report with a few edits to the contract for the Director of School Safety and Security.
Profile of a Caldwell Graduate - Board Members received information on the profile of a Caldwell graduate. Trustees plan to discuss this information at a future Board Meeting.
Mission, Vision, and Values - Trustees will review and discuss the District’s Mission, Vision, and Values at a future Board Meeting.
Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) - Board Members reviewed the data from the Center for Education Effectiveness survey from staff and students. Trustees will discuss the information at a future Board Meeting.
Literacy - Dr. Carolyn Hondo provided Trustees with training on Literacy Intervention Training. Trustees are required by Idaho State Law to complete literacy training. Literacy proficiency and growth targets shall align with the continuous improvement plan goals and targets of the district and the framework for schools to achieve statewide literacy growth targets.
T-Mobile Funds - Trustees will review and discuss T-Mobile Funds at a later date.
RTI - Richard Jamison, Principal at Lincoln Elementary, provided Trustees with information about the Response to Intervention (RTI) educational strategy.
View Screenagers - Trustees viewed a documentary titled Screenagers, Growing Up in the Digital Age. This video was created by professionals who work with students and shows the impact of too much screen time on youth.