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Board Report 2023 » March 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

March 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees March 13, 2023, Regular Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.


Dr. French recognized Jefferson Middle School’s Student Leadership. Students have started a ‘My Culture is our Legacy’ anti-bullying campaign. They created positive messages that can be seen throughout the school. Students will also watch a video to bring awareness to the anti-bullying campaign at JMS.

Dr. French also highlighted the Caldwell High School Cheer and Wrestling teams. The Cheer team qualified for State in all categories and placed 5th overall. The Wrestling team also had success at the State Competition. The boy’s team placed 2nd and had some individual champions. The women’s team also had some top finishers. 


Trustees voted to approve the following items.




  • Nicole Tackle provided input on Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom, and Policy 4105 Public Participation in Board Meeting.
  • Nicole Highland spoke about Policy 1420 Trustee Expenses and Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom. 


  • National History Day - Trustees heard from Mr. Wurtz, History Teacher at Caldwell High School, about the 27th Annual National History Day Competition. Every Junior participates in the assignment/competition. Through this competition, students have the opportunity to win scholarships. 
  • High School Graduation Update - Christine McMillen, Principal of Canyon Springs High School, and Anita Wilson, Principal of Caldwell High School, provided Trustees with an update on the Class of 2023. Counselors at both high schools are working closely with students to keep them on track to graduate in May.
  • High School Standards Work - Trustees heard from Dr. French and Anita Wilson, Principal at Caldwell High School, about some of the academic work CHS teachers are doing to help students succeed. The department chairs from each core subject shared what they are focusing on in each of their classes.
  • Start Time Survey Results - Dr. French reviewed the results of the School Start Time Surveys that were sent out to both families and staff. Dr. French asked Trustees for more time to continue the conversation and send out another survey with more specific questions.
  • New Audit Proposal - Cheryl Sanderson, Chief Financial Officer, provided Trustees with information on a new audit proposal for the District. Board Members voted to approve the new audit proposal with Quest CPAs.
  • Proposed Calendar for 2023-2024 - Board Members heard from Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, about 2023-2024 School Calendar proposal. Trustees voted to approve Option A for the 2023-2024 School Calendar.
  • Social Media Mass Action Lawsuit - James Stoll, the District’s Attorney, spoke to Trustees about a Mass Action Lawsuit pertaining to major social media corporations. The Board voted to join the Social Media Mass Action Lawsuit.
  • DHW Community Grants - Trustees reviewed and discussed the DHW Community Grants. The Board voted to use their own legal counsel in DHW Community Grants. 
  • Settlement Offer for Government Entity Claims Against JUUL Labs, Inc. (“JLI”) - Dr. French provided Trustees with information on the JUUL litigation. The District received compensation from the lawsuit which will be used to buy more vape detectors.
  • COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2022-2023 - Trustees reviewed recent COVID-19 data and information provided by Southwest District Health.
  • Future Agenda Items - Suicide Prevention


Proposed Policies:


Trustees voted to accept and Request to Rescind the following policy:


First Reading:

Trustees voted to approve the following policies:


Second and Final Reading:

Trustees voted to approve the following policies:


Trustees voted to table Policy 1420 Trustee Expenses - revision and Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom - revision.



  • March 16, 2023 - End of third quarter
  • March 17, 2023 - No school for students
  • March 20-23, 2023 - Parent/teacher conference week
  • March 24, 2023 - No school for students
  • March 27, 2023 - Spring break begins



To meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, April 10, 2023, at the Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore, Caldwell, Idaho, 83605.