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Board Report 2023 » February 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

February 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees February 13, 2023, Regular Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.


Dr. French announced the Board will be taking a pause on Proposed Policy 3281. Representative Crane shared with Trustees that legislation is currently being discussed at the State Capitol regarding gender identity and he feels it will move quickly into legislation to give guidance to local school districts.

Dr. French provided Trustees with an update on the JUUL Litigation. She also shared a school start time survey went out to Caldwell School District families and a staff survey regarding school start times will go out this week. She also congratulated Caldwell Cheer for placing 5th overall at the State Competition.

Paul Victoriano, Caldwell High School Student Representative, shared with Trustees about the Annual Student Council Cause Week. Students help raise money for five different causes affecting our community.

Trustees also heard from Abigail Aguirre, Canyon Springs High School Student Representative, about the school's Be A Real Friend (BARF) Week. Students will be able to write friendly letters to each other. The school recently started a 2v2 student basketball tournament. 


Trustees voted to approve the following items.



  • Several patrons spoke to Proposed Policies 3281, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation and 4105 Public Participation in Board Meeting. Policies 3525 Immunization Requirements F2 and 2310 were also referenced.


  • Facilities Assessment Study - Bill Hamlin from Design West, spoke to Trustees about performing an assessment on the District Facilities. Board Members voted to approve a facility assessment study.
  • Career Technical Education (CTE) Presentation - Trustees heard from Jessica Watts, Director of Communications, and Rob King, CTE Community Liaison, about their recent work to create and update the Career Technical Education brochures and postcards.
  • Driver Education - Cheryl Sanderson, Chief Financial Officer, provided Trustees with information about the District’s Driver Education Program. Ms. Sanderson reported that the program retired one vehicle and is wanting to add two more vehicles to the fleet. Board Members voted to approve adding two additional vehicles to the fleet.
  • Emergency School Closure - Trustees voted to approve the Emergency School Closure.
  • COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2022-2023 - Trustees voted to approve the updated COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2022-2023.
  • Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.


Proposed Policies:

Trustees voted to accept and Request to Rescind the following policy:

Trustees voted to approve the following Errata Revisions policies:


First Reading:

Trustees voted to approve the following policies:

Trustees voted to table the following First Reading policies:


Second and Final Reading:

Trustees voted to approve the following policies:

Trustees voted to table to following Second and Final Reading policies:



  • February 20, 2023 - President's Day - no school
  • February 20-21, 2023 - Day on the Hill, The Grove Hotel / Idaho Capitol Building
  • February 25, 2023 - Mayor's Youth Advisory Council Gala
  • Wrestling State Championships, February 23-25, Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
  • Debate State Championships, March 10-11, Rigby High School
  • Speech State Championships, April 14-15, Lake City High School
  • Boys Basketball Championships, March 2-4, Ford Idaho Center, Nampa



To meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, February 27, 2023, at Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore, Caldwell, Idaho, 83605.