Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, September 26, 2022, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
Caldwell High School Student Council - ASB Co-Presidents, Kailani White and Karina Calderon, and ASB Secretary, Paul Victoriano, discussed the 2022-2023 Student Council Goals with Trustees. They also shared some of their accomplishments including the Idaho Outstanding Student Council Award, State Service Project Award, Homecoming 2022, and Cause Week. Andi Arnold, Student Council Advisor, shared her vision for the student leaders which include expanding community outreach and increasing leadership opportunities.
TRIO Program - Trustees heard from students enrolled in the TRIO Upward Bound Program at Caldwell High School. Students shared their successes and expressed appreciation for the support they receive from their advisors. Petya Johnson, TRIO Education Talent Search (ETS) Director, shared inspiring stories of former TRIO students. TRIO ETS currently has over 300 students in the program which include both middle and high schools.
Student Achievement Update - Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, shared a student achievement update on the District’s elementary schools.
COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2022-2023 - Trustees reviewed recent COVID-19 data and information provided by Southwest District Health.
Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.