Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, July 25, 2022, Summer Board Retreat intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
The Fred Factor - Trustees heard from Keely Cheney, Clerk of the Board, about the book ‘The Fred Factor’. Trustees were asked to read the book in preparation for the Board Retreat. They discussed the Four Fred Principals, Everyone makes a difference, Success is built on relationships, You must continually create value for others and it doesn't have to cost a penny, and You can reinvent yourself regularly.
CFEO - Board Members heard from Bill Gigray, Caldwell Foundation For Education Opportunity Inc. President, about the importance of public education, local government and how it affects our everyday lives.
Leadership and Service - Former Mayor Garrett Nancolas shared examples of leadership and service in the community. Mayor Nancolas discussed with Trustees the importance of ethics in government and what it takes to be a good leader.
Lunch and Strategic Plan - Dr. French went over the Strategic Plan with Trustees and how the District plans to implement it throughout the next five years. Trustees also reviewed draft designs for the mission, vision, and values statements.
Profile of Caldwell School District Students (past and current students) - Trustees heard from past and future Caldwell graduates. They discussed their experiences, insights, and successes with Board Members.
Budget Discussion - Trustees heard from April Burton, Chief Financial Officer, about how the supplemental levy funds support the Districts’ Mission, Vision, and Values.
Idaho School Boards Associations (ISBA) Resolutions - Trustees reviewed and discussed the Idaho School Boards Associations (ISBA) Resolutions for 2022.
Building Relationships - Trustees heard from Colby Blaine, College of Idaho Men’s Basketball Coach, about how to build a road map to success.
Adjournment - To meet again, unless otherwise announced on Monday, August 8, 2022, at 7:00 pm, at the Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore, Caldwell, Idaho, 83605.