Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, August 22, 2022, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
Attendance Campaign - Trustees heard from Hortensia Hernandez, Community Schools Coordinator, about the 2022 Attendance Campaign which launched on Monday, August 22, 2022, this coincides perfectly with September being Attendance Awareness Month. Ms. Hernandez discussed the social media calendar, fact sheets, and the video that will be shared with families throughout the month of September.
Student Representative - Paul Victoriano, Senior at Caldwell High School, spoke to Members of the Board about being a student representative for the Trustees. Mr. Victoriano will attend Board Meetings and provide student input from Caldwell High School. Trustees will have the opportunity to talk with Mr. Victoriano at each meeting to gain student insight.
Personnel Report - Trustees voted to accept the Personnel Report.
Bank Account Signatory - Trustees voted to accept the Bank Account Signatory.
School Safety - Members of the Board heard from Bernie Carreira, Director of Maintenance and Operations, Andrew Crowell, System Administrator, and Officer Phillips, SRO of Caldwell High School, about school safety. Mr. Carreira and Mr. Crowell shared the Districts areas of priority; automation, doors, fencing, windows, cameras, training, and mass communication and the importance of implementing them to create a safe environment for staff and students.
Factors that Influence School Wide Change - Trustees watched two videos by Advanced Learning Partnerships about factors that influence school wide change. Andi Arnold, CHS, Tiffany Echanis, JMS, and Dr Melyssa Ferro, SMS, discussed the importance of student engagement strategies, personalized learning, and mindfulness of staff.
Sex Education - Trustees heard from Dr. Melyssa Ferro about the Districts Opt-In Sex Education Program. Dr. Ferro shared that the sex education program is taught in her life science class at the middle school level.
COVID19 School Operation Plan for 2022-2023 - Trustees reviewed the new CDC updates to the COVID-19 community guidance as well as Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education (ECE) Programs.
Strategic Plan - Members of the Board reviewed the Strategic Plan designs and voted to adopt designs one and two with suggestions from trustees.
Trustees also reviewed and discussed the Reading Improvement Plan, ISAT Proficiency Achievement scores from 2022, Achievement Goals for 2023, and District ISAT proficiency scores.
Caldwell Online Academy - Dr. French provided Trustees with an update on the status of Caldwell Online Academy. For the 2022-2023 school year, there is one teacher for grades 1-5, middle school students are enrolled in Idaho Digital Learning Alliance. CHS students will work through google classroom with a teacher assigned to check on their progress.
Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.