Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, June 27, 2022, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
CSHS Proposed Building 21 - Trustees heard from Christine McMillen, Principal of Canyon Spring High School, about the Building 21 Organization. They are a nonprofit organization that partners with schools and districts to create mastery-based educational systems. CSHS is looking forward to achieving their vision of increasing the graduation rate and continuing to build relationships between staff and students while broadening learning and competency skills.
Caldwell Online Academy - Dr. French provided Trustees with an update on the status of Caldwell Online Academy. With enrollment declining, several teachers have accepted other positions in the District. COA will be functioning differently for the 2022-23 school year.
Visiting Schools and Classrooms - Dr. French encouraged Trustees to make an appointment to visit schools and classrooms throughout the District. Principals and teachers would like to share what is happening in their respective school and classroom.
Personnel Report - Trustees voted to approve the personnel report.
SDE Student Transportation has reviewed your Student Transportation RFP and Model Contract per Idaho Code section 33-1510 - Trustees heard from April Burton, Chief Financial Officer, on the SDE Student Transportation Contract.
COVID19 School Operation Plan for 2021-2022 - No update was provided from South West District Health and no student and staff testing due to summer break.
Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.