Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees March 14, 2022, Regular Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Dr. French recognized the Caldwell High School Student Council for their recent success at the Idaho Association of Student Council Conference. CHS brought back the Outstanding Student Council Award for the eighth consecutive year and the 2022 IASC State Service Project Award.
During the two day conference, students had the opportunity to learn leadership skills, share ideas, and meet peers across Idaho. Over 800 students were in attendance from 33 different schools throughout the state.
This past Saturday, the National History Day District Competition was held at Idaho Arts Charter School. Of the 20 finalists six were CHS students. CHS swept the top three places in the individual exhibit category with Paul Victoriano taking first, Nirmana de la Rantow taking second, and Arath Sanchez taking third. Stone Stills and Hannah Tish placed first in the group exhibit category.
Dr. French also applauded the CHS wrestling teams. Earlier this month, both the men’s and women’s wrestling teams competed at the State Championship Tournament in Pocatello. The men’s team came home with a 5th place finish while the girls walked away with a 4th place finish. Congratulations to Aiden Go, Hunter Bidelman, and Marissa Jimenez for their individual state titles.
Jon Hallock was recently awarded Athletic Director of the year for the second time in three years while Coach Rick Tigges was named Boys Basketball Coach of the Year.
The Board approved the following items:
Trustees shared and discussed these items:
Policies under review
Errata Revisions
Trusteed approved the following policies for Errata Revisions.
First Reading
The Board approved the following policies for First Reading with the exception of section 3 in Policy 3210.
Second and Final Reading
Members of the Board voted to approve the following policy.
The Board of Trustees will meet again on Monday, March 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm for a Board Work Session.