Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees August 26, 2024, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Supplemental Levy - Dr. French and Cheryl Sanderson, Chief Financial Officer, presented Trustees with two Supplemental Levy proposals. Board Members discussed whether to run the Supplemental Levy in the November or May election. In addition, Trustees discussed running a $5.1 million Supplemental Levy or a $4.1 million Supplemental Levy. Trustees voted to approve the $4.1 million Supplemental Levy request for the November election.
Student and Parent Handbooks - Trustees voted to approve the updated student and parent handbooks for Sacajawea Elementary, Washington Elementary, Jefferson Middle School, Canyon Springs High School, and Caldwell High School.
Update on Speed Limit Zones for Schools - Eric Phillips, Director of Student Safety and Emergency Operations, provided Trustees with information on the City of Caldwell's progress of speed limit signs in school zones. The city is currently repainting crosswalks across the City of Caldwell and updating sidewalks and crossing lights.
School Safety and Security - Dr. French and Eric Philips, provided Trustees with information on the roles and responsibilities of safe school aids, contracted security officers, and Caldwell City Police Officers. Julie Mead, Chief Officer of Special Services, also provided additional information on how Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) contributes to school safety.
Adjournment - Approve adjournment, to meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, September 9, 2024.