Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees April 22, 2024, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Student Achievement Update - Trustees heard from Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, on the District’s progress monitoring for students. In addition, Melissa shared that students are in the middle of ISAT testing for Science, English Language Arts (ELA), and Mathematics, and will begin the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) in May.
Professional Development - Lincoln Elementary School staff spoke to Trustees on the school's Response To Intervention (RTI) and Behavior Support Plans. Teachers at Lincoln have received the same RTI and Behavior Support training. This has helped staff members focus more on academics and essential standards. The District is offering Positive Behavioral Interventions Supports (PBIS) training this summer for all schools.
Special Education Update - Julie Mead, Chief Officer of Special Services, provided Trustees with information on the District's Special Education Programs. Beginning next school year, each elementary school will have an Extended Resource Room.
Plant Facility Report - Bernie Carreira, Director of Maintenance, provided Trustees with information on the District's Plant Facility Committee Report and Recommendations. The District's top 20 priorities were laid out for Trustees, which include HVAC, irrigation, and electrical updates.
Personnel Report - Trustee voted to approve the Personnel Report.
Pathway Easement with the City of Caldwell - Jayhawk Subdivision and the City of Caldwell are requesting an easement to integrate the walking path by the boys' baseball field. This would allow for a public walkway to Brothers Park, Caldwell High School, and walking access to the YMCA. Trustees voted to approve the MOU Pathway Easement with the City of Caldwell.
Idaho History Curriculum - Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, spoke about the process of choosing the District's new 4th Grade Idaho History Curricular Resource. Board Members voted to approve the new Idaho History Curriculum.
The changes include:
- Moving Spring Break to March 17-21, 2025
- Moving spring parent-teacher conferences to the week of March 24-28, 2025
- Making Friday, December 20, 2024, and Thursday, May 22, 2025, a half-day release (Secondary Release Time 12 pm, Elementary Release Time 1 pm).
- Professional Development Days will be moved from the end of May to January 27 and 28, 2025.
Adjournment - To meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, May 13, 2024, at the Caldwell District Office, Vernon DeMark Board Room, 1502 Fillmore St. Caldwell Idaho, 83605.