Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees February 26, 2024, Special Board Meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Safety Bus Routes - Trustees voted to approve the District's Safety Bus Routes.
Securing Our Future Grant - Trustees heard from Eric Philips, Director of Student Safety, on the Securing Our Future Grant Program. This Grant Program is a school safety partnership initiative between the Governor’s Office, The Idaho Legislature and the Idaho State Board of Education. The goal of the SOF grants is to fund meaningful, durable and demonstrated effective security improvements in Idaho K-12 schools. Board Members voted to approve the Securing Our Future Grant for Syringa and Jefferson Middle School.
Newsletter Analytics - Jessica Watts, Director of Communications, provided Trustees with information about the number of people who view and read the Superintendent's monthly newsletter.
Boundary Proposal - Trustees heard from Dr. French on a proposal to shift the boundaries for children who live in Farmway Village. Currently, students attend either Lewis & Clark or Wilson Elementary; Syringa, or Jefferson Middle School.
Field Trip - Board Members voted to approve the field trip request.