Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, July 8, 2024, Regular Board Meeting and Fee Hearing intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
Brennan Wurtz, Advanced Opportunity Summer School Administrator, provided Trustees with an update on Summer School. This year, 146 students participated in summer school and 240 credits were earned in June. In addition, 43 middle school students participated in Advanced Opportunities as well. On Thursday, June 27, 10 students earned their high school diplomas.
- No one signed up for patron input.
Associated Student Body (ASB) Activity Card Fee - Anita Wilson, Principal at Caldwell High School, provided Trustees with information on the ASB Card Fee. Mrs. Wilson shared how CHS uses the money from the ASB cards to support students in various activities.
Public Comment Regarding ASB Activity Card Fee
- No one signed up for patron input
Pay to Participate Fee - Trustees heard from Dr. French about the proposed fee increase for the Pay to Participate Fee. The fee will help offset some of the cost of athletic transportation.
Public Comment Regarding Pay to Participate Fee
- Alexis Martinez provided input on Supplemental Levy communication
Adult Meal Prices - Dr. French provided Trustees with information on the increase to the Adult Meal Prices.
Public Comment Regarding Adult Meal Prices
- No one signed up for patron input
Trustees voted to approve the following items:
- Associated Student Body (ASB) Activity Card Fee - Trustees voted to approve the increased fee price of the ASB Activity Card to $50.
- Pay to Participate Fee - Board Members voted to approve the proposed increase to Pay to Participate Fee for $100 per sport for high school sports. Trustees will revisit the fee increase during the July 22, 2024, Board Meeting.
- Adult Meal Prices - Trustees voted to approve the proposed fee increase of adult meal prices. The adult breakfast meal price is $2.85 and the adult lunch and student second lunch meal price is $4.95.
- ISBA Resolutions - Dr. French shared proposed ISBA Resolutions to increase funding for school safety, early learning, and school aged and accountability. Trustees voted to approve the three proposed resolutions.
- Pathways Easement Agreement - Trustees voted to approve the Pathways Easement Agreement with the City of Caldwell.
- Future Agenda Items - School Zone Speed Limits
Proposed Policies:
Errata Revisions:
Trustees voted to accept and approve the Errata Revisions for the following policy:
First Reading:
Trustees voted to approve the following policies:
Second and Final Reading:
Trustees voted to approve the following policies:
Policies and Procedures to Review Annually:
Pursuant to Policy 1303, the following policies and procedures shall be reviewed annually:
- Policy 901 School District Facilities Rental - Use
- Policy 1600 Code of Ethics for School Board Members
- Policy 2200 School Year, Calendar, and Instructional Hours
- Policy 2420 Parent and Family Engagement
- Policy 2420P Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines
- Policy 3010 Open Enrollment by Students Who Reside Within and Outside the District
- Policy 3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- Policy 3295 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyberbullying
- Policy 3300 Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Nicotine Innovations Free School Zone
- Policy 3330 Student Discipline
- Policy 3345 Use of Restraint, Seclusion, and Aversive Techniques for Students
- Policy 3500 Student Health Screenings
- Policy 3510 Student Medicines
- Policy 3530 Suicide
- Policy 7005 Electronic Banking and Electronic Payments
- Policy 7305 Investment of Funds
- Policy 7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees
- Policy 8170 District-Owned Vehicles
- Policy 8320 Fire Drills and Evacuation Plan
Upcoming Events
- July 22, 2024 - Board Training Summer Retreat, IT Bldg, 107 Poplar St. Caldwell, ID
- August 5, 2024 - In-Person Student Registration
- August 8, 2024 - Opening Staff Meeting
- August 13, 2024 - Freshman Orientation
- August 14, 2024 - First Day of School for Students
Approve adjournment, to meet again, unless otherwise announced, on Monday, July 22, 2024, at the IT Building, 107 Poplar St. Caldwell, ID at 8:30 am.