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Board Report 2021 » December 13, 2021 Regular Meeting

December 13, 2021 Regular Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, December 13, 2021, regular meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.


Superintendent French recognized the Caldwell High School Band last night at the Board Meeting for their recent accomplishments. The band placed 2nd at Showcase and District III competitions. They also came home with a 1st place trophy at the Treasure Valley Festival of Bands competition held earlier this fall.


The Caldwell Police Department was also applauded for their generous efforts in the annual Shop with a Cop event. Caldwell School District volunteers and Trustees helped wrap $10,000 worth of merchandise for 20 students in the district.



  • No one signed up to speak to the Board.



The Board approved the following items:



Trustees shared and discussed these items:



  • Strategic Plan Update - Dr. Sanchez commended the Strategic Planning Committee for their commitment to the work on constructing a new mission and vision statement that will represent the district for the next five years. The final mission and vision statements are; Vision Statement: Destination Education. Mission Statement: Nurturing growth, eliminating obstacles, strengthening the community. Trustees approved the committee's new mission and vision statements. The next step for the Committee is to seek input from the public. 
  • High School Football - The Board approved the Caldwell High School football team moving to an Independent Status for the 2022-2023 season. The team will play a full schedule but will not compete in the District or State Championship game. 
  • CORE - ICA Proposal - Trustees approved the CORE - ICA Proposal. This will allow contractors to begin the scope of work on the ICA building.
  • COVID19 School Operation Plan for 2021-2022 - Trustees voted to approve LEA ARP ESSER Plan in both English and Spanish. Board approval is a requirement from the State Department of Education.
  • City of Caldwell - Adoption of a New Urban Renewal Plan - Trustees reviewed the Adoption of a New Urban Renewal Plan from the City of Caldwell.
  • Supplemental Levy Discussion - Chief Financial Officer, April Burton reviewed information on the renewal of the supplemental levy.  A PowerPoint presentation including the timeline, historical data, use, and current circumstances of the supplemental levy was outlined for the Trustees. 
  • Invitation to visit Caldwell High School - CHS Principal Anita Wilson extended an invitation to the Trustees to visit CHS anytime whether it's a scheduled tour or a drop in visit. 
  • Future Agenda Items - Trustees did not discuss any future agenda items.



Policies under review

  • Policy 4120 - errata revisions  - Define grievant and who has rights to grieve 
  • Procedure for policy 3370 - Searches and Seizure
  • Policy 3420 Student Fundraising Activities
  • Policy 3420FA Application for Event or Fundraising Activity
  • Policy 4210 Community Use of School Facilities replacing Policy 901 and updating Indemnity Agreement and Fee Schedule


First Reading

The Trustees approved the following policies for First Reading


Second and Final Reading

The Trustees approved the following policies for Second and Final Reading 

The Board of Trustees will meet again on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 7:00 pm for their regular meeting.