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Board Report 2021 » October 14, 2021 Regular Meeting

October 14, 2021 Regular Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, October 14, 2021, meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.



Dr. French highlighted CHS seniors Irene Guajardo and Yasmine Pizano. They were both awarded $60,000 to the College of Idaho at the Hispanic Youth Leadership Summit. Dr. French also invited Caldwell Online Academy Principal Karen Cameron to highlight the growing success of COA. The online academy now has 225 students, 26 teachers, one paraprofessionals, and one Special Education Teacher. After receiving funding from a federal grant, COA will soon be able to offer online preschool to about 80 students.



No one signed up for patron input.



The Board approved the following items:



Shared and discussed with the Board



  • COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2021-2022 - After reviewing COVID-19 data, attendance rates, and talking with medical professionals, the Board of Trustees voted to extend the indoor mask mandate for all District students and staff. Trustees voted to revisit the requirement when one or more of these conditions are met:
    • Hospitals in the Treasure Valley are no longer in Crisis Standards of Care
    • COVID-19 vaccine becomes available for children 5-11 years old 
    • When community spread is at a moderate level for Canyon County

The mask requirement still applies to school transportation. The Board will continue to review COVID-19 data and information at upcoming meetings to see if any other action needs to be taken. 

  • Trustee Rezoning - The Board heard from Quinn Perry, Deputy Director & Government Affairs of the Idaho School Boards Association, about recent census data for the reconstruction of Trustee zones. The Board voted to approve the Trustee Rezoning map. 
  • 2021-2022 Master Agreement Addendum B - Trustees approved to add Addendum B to the 2021-2022 Master Agreement. This is a one time resiliency stipend for all certified staff. Classified staff will also receive a one time stipend. The District is appreciative of the CSD staffs’ hard work and continued efforts to go above and beyond their normal duties.
  • Athletics Update - The Board discussed fan attendance and expectations for face coverings at indoor sporting events and other after school events. Trustees also discussed the CHS football team going independent.
Future Agenda Items - The board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 25, 2021, to discuss learning opportunities in elementary schools, gang involvement in the community from the Canyon County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, CFEO, gun cabinets in schools, and LOVE Caldwell.