Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Jan. 11, 2021 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner.
It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available above.
The Board approved
Each year, School District Boards of Trustees hold an annual meeting as required by law to elect officers and other required business. .
Superintendent’s Report - Dr. French noted it was school board appreciation month and thanked the Board for its service. She provided each board member a copy of “Gifts of Imperfection,” by Brene Brown. The book is being read and studied by the district’s leadership team and principals.
Student Recognition - Caldwell High School College/Career Counselor Scott Nelson introduced student CHS senior Samantha Lepiane. Samantha is the first CHS student to use all her Advanced Opportunity state funding - $4,125. With the financial support, she has earned 35 college credits in dual credit courses and through Advanced Placement courses and tests, approximately, a year of college. She plans to attend College of Idaho after graduation.
The Board approved moving item B Surplus to the regular agenda and approved the remaining items on the consent agenda including:
District Continuing School Operations Plan for 2020-21 School Year - Dr. French shared the plan had been renamed to reflect that it is an operations plan and updated to reflect Dec. 14 decisions made by the Board. She also shared an update that the Southwest District Health Department is working with the school district on vaccines for staff. She said the district is ready to return to the hybrid model on Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Strategic Plan - Dr. French introduced Dr. Robert Sanchez of Idaho Business for Education who provided an overview of the timeline to update the district’s strategic plan. The goal is to have the plan ready by September. The Board approved.
Athletics Update - Dr. French reviewed how spectators will be allowed at sporting events under Gov. Brad Little’s Stage II order and in the Southern Idaho Conference.
Entrance Exam for Graduation Class of 2021 - The Board approved waiving the graduation requirement to take a college entrance exam in its policy for the Class of 2021.
YMCA MOU - The Board accepted the agreement which provides preschool services with Trustee Suastegui recusing herself.
Personnel Report - The Board accepted the report with Trustee Butler recusing himself.
Surplus Information Technology; District Office - The Board accepted the item moved from the consent agenda.
Chair Pesina suggested the Board plan to hold some future meetings, perhaps work sessions, at schools to see the impact of the plant facilities levy at Syringa Middle School and Sacajawea Elementary School.
Proposed Policies - The district’s policy committee is reviewing the following:
First Reading - No policies were presented for first reading.
Second and Final Reading -- The Board approved the following policies: