Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, September 13, 2021, meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded live stream of the meeting is available here.
PATRON INPUT - The Board heard from one individual about the gun safes in secondary schools agenda item.
CONSENT AGENDA - The Board approved the following items
INFORMATION ITEMS - Shared with the Board and discussed:
- Certificate of Election - The Board of Trustees voted to approve the Certificate of Election for Zone 5 candidate Marisela Pesina who ran unopposed.
- CHS Spotlight CTE and AP - Anita Wilson, Principal at Caldwell High School, presented to the Board about advanced opportunities, dual credit, and CTE programs.
- SRO Contract - The Board voted to approve the SRO contract.
- Gun Safes in Secondary Schools - Trustees heard from Sergeant Pelkey and Officer Phillips of the Caldwell Police Department about gun safes in secondary schools. The Board voted to approve the installation of cabinetry and gun safes in secondary schools. Trustees will have further conversations.
- L-2 Tax Levy - Trustees voted to approve the Tax Levy rate. The district will use levied funds to pay off the bonds needed to build Van Buren and Washington Elementary Schools. A supplemental levy is used for classified salaries, certified staff positions, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. The district also has a plant facility levy, which has been used to remodel Sacajawea Elementary School, Syringa Middle School, update HVAC at multiple schools, repair roofs, fix leaking pipes, etc. Approving the tax levy rate is a requirement of the Board each year.
- School Operation Plan for 2021-2022 - Board members heard from principals about absentee rates across the district.
- Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) - The district is working on components of the plan which must be submitted Oct. 1 to the Office of the State Board of Education.
- ISBA Convention Registration - The Board is looking at their calendars to schedule days to attend the Convention.
- Future Agenda Items - The board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 27, 2021, to discuss supplemental staffing agreements, Continue Improvement Plan, ESSR funds, and School Operation Plan for 2021-2022.
- Placeholder for Consent Agenda Item - One item was discussed and approved by the Board: