Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees, October 25, 2021, Board Work Session intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
CSHS Student Ambassadors - The Board heard from five of the 19 student ambassadors from Canyon Springs High School. The ambassadors are a group of students who want to make a change in the environment at CSHS. Their goal is to make students feel safe and welcomed who transfer to the high school and change the stigma surrounding CSHS.
Everyday Leadership - Members of the Board heard from Jay Multanen (Best Bath), Jeff Hunsicker (Caldwell Rotary), and Tabitha Bruegeman, Principal at Wilson Elementary, about the Everyday Leadership program for 5th grade students. Currently the program is at Wilson Elementary and they are looking to expand it to all six elementary schools in the district. The program is focused on breaking the cycle of poverty by sharing life skills and building self-confidence among low-income students. The panel for the program is looking for support from the school board, community partners, and volunteers.
CSD Academic Update - Melissa Langan, Chief Academic Officer, gave an update to the Trustees about work done this summer by teachers and what is happening in the current school year. Educators and administrators participated in professional development throughout the summer that equated to 2,387 hours. During the summer, staff members at the secondary level provided educational opportunities to over 350 students in the summer bridge and summer school programs. This year the District is continuing it’s partnership with DMTI. The program spends time previewing curriculum, garnering questions, and model lessons for teachers. The district is also continuing the partnership with Visual Learning.
Time Bomb - The Cost of Dropping Out - Members of the Board watched an informational video on the cost of dropping out of school. It shared statistics on the importance of education.
COVID-19 School Operation Plan for 2021-2022 - Trustees reviewed COVID-19 data from Southwest District Health.
Future Agenda Items - The Board of Trustees will hold its regular scheduled meeting at 7 pm on Monday, November 8, 2021.