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Board Report 2021 » June 28, 2021 Special Meeting

June 28, 2021 Special Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees June 28, 2021 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded livestream of the meeting is available here.
Summer School Foster Grandparent MOU - This agreement for 2020-23 was approved. 
Master Agreement - The board approved the agreement for 2021-22 school year. The agreement was ratified by the Caldwell Education Association earlier in June.
COVID Waiver for Sports Participation - COVID waiver for sports participation is still in place. However, the Trustees would like to know if this waiver can be included in the sports participation form. Dr. French will follow-up with Jon Hallock, CHS Athletic/Activities Director.
Community Schools Update -- Hortensia Hernandez provided the Trustees with an update on the district's plan to expand community schools in 2021-22 to include two additional schools. Three liaisons are being hired. The goal is to expand again in 2022-23.
Strategic Plan UpdateDr. French shared that at the steering committee's last meeting, they completed a strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. The analysis was shared with the Board. In August, a survey will be sent to staff, parents, students, and administrators to gather feedback regarding the District's draft Mission and Vision.
Draft mission

CSD (Caldwell School District) inspires all scholars to learn, grow, and thrive


Draft supporting statement:

We commit to, without exception, empowering the growth of the child, eliminating obstacles for students, and strengthening our communities. (A promise from us to you)


Draft vision

Cultivating the innovators, critical thinkers, and problem solvers of today and tomorrow.


Idaho School Boards Association Resolutions - The Board discussed presenting possible resolutions at the ISBA Convention in November. 
Board Retreat - The final agenda topic was the Board Training Retreat in July. It will be held at the College of Idaho Cruzen-Murray Library.