Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Feb. 8, 2021 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner.
It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available above
Superintendent French and Technology Director Caleb Shore shared details about community donations that provided 25 Wifi hotspots per elementary school which will be checked out through WICAP to families who need them. The devices can support multiple users.
After moving a maintenance item to later in the agenda, the Board approved its consent agenda including:
Athletic Donation - Approved an agreement with Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU) to provide electronic scoreboards for football and basketball. The cost of the equipment and installation is nearly $90,000 and is provided by ICCU.
Strategic Plan - Dr. French reported that the core planning group has met a couple of times and are reviewing mission, vision and goals.
Leadership Premiums - After funds for this were cut, the state now plans to restore funding for leadership premiums. The district is looking to use the same criteria for premiums that was approved by the Board in 2019-20.
Superintendent Evaluation - The Board approved the completion of the 2020-21 evaluation of the superintendent.
Superintendent Contract - The Board approved extending the superintendent’s contract through 2023-24.
Bond Update - Eric Heringer of Piper Sander reviewed an opportunity to pay off $1.8 million of bond debt with a potential savings of $206,250 of interest cost.
District Continuing School Operation Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year - Superintendent French said with the prioritization of teachers for the COVID vaccine discussions about returning students full time to school are under way. She reviewed data from a staff survey and a Caldwell Education Association survey as well as other information. Trustees discussed the information and asked for information from parents and students. The Board will meet to consider the matter again in a special meeting at
5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 15.
Maintenance Update - This item was moved from the Consent Agenda. After discussion about time out rooms, concrete repairs, and lock replacement projects, the board approved this update.
First Reading - The Board approved the first reading Policy 3560 Electronic Surveillance directing the administration to revise to better define criteria for when cameras would be used.