Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees March 8, 2021 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner.
It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available here.
After moving the personnel item to later in the agenda, the Board approved its consent agenda including:
Minutes for the Executive Session and Regular Board Meeting – February 8, 2021
Minutes for the Special Board Meeting – February 15 , 2021
Minutes for the Board Work Session and Executive Session - February 22, 2021
Strategic Plan - Dr. French and Dr. Robert Sanchez provided an update that the strategic plan steering committee, composed of 20 members including Trustees Manning and Butler, continues to meet. The group is close to finalizing an updated mission, vision and value set to bring to the Board of Trustees to review and approve.
Online Options - The board asked for information on online only options for families in light of the pending return to in person learning four days a week:
District Continuing School Operation Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year -
Approved several changes to the Operations Plan including:
Under these changes, Caldwell will remain on a 4+1 schedule throughout the remainder of the school year. In this schedule, students attend in person four days and Wednesdays is a remote learning day.
Call of Certain Bonds 2008A - The Board approved paying off $1.81 million in 2008A bonds two years early saving taxpayers an estimated $206,000 in interest cost.
Request to Open Negotiations for the 2021-22 Schools - The Board accepted the request to open negotiations with the Caldwell Education Association.
Trustee Claudia Suastegui Resignation -- Zone 1 Trustee Suastegui moved out of her zone. The Board accepted Trustee Suastegui’s resignation and thanked her for her service.
Zone 1 Vacancy - The Board approved declaring Zone 1 vacant. Individuals interested in serving and who live in Zone 1 are welcome to complete the application and submit to the board clerk. The position will be up for election in November.
Personnel -- The Board approved the report.
Proposed Policy - These policies are being reviewed:
First Reading - The Board approved the first reading of these policies:
Second Reading - The Board reviewed and revised Policy 3560 Electronic Surveillance and tabled the second and final reading of the policy until its April regular meeting.
Next meeting
The Board will hold a work session at 6 p.m. March 15, at Syringa Middle School.