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Board Report 2020 » September 9, 2020 Special Meeting

September 9, 2020 Special Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Sept. 9, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. 

It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at:


Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board.


Caldwell High School Sports – CHS Activities Director Jon Hallock reviewed with the Board that CHS athletes and coaches have been following strict protocols to keep student athletes and coaches safe. Since the beginning of summer workouts only three cases of COVID-19 were reported. Jon Hallock asked the Board to approve all fall sports along with marching band, cheer and color guard to begin participating in competitive conference games.


Vice Chairman T. Manning made a motion to approve Caldwell High School athletics and activities to participate in competitive games within the conference and Trustee A. Butler seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Madam Chair Pesina stipulated that Superintendent French has the authority to cancel, postpone or suspend athletics should an outbreak occur among the athletes.

A decision on whether to allow fans and concessions at sporting events will be discussed at the September 14, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.


Middle School Sports – Syringa and Jefferson Middle schools did not participate in football, volleyball and cross country this fall due to several factors; the high spread of the pandemic, transportation issues due to online learning only and difficult safety and cleaning protocols required for each school.  Both principals and Athletic Directors were invited to speak to the sports program at the September 14, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.