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Board Report 2020 » September 21, 2020 Special Meeting

September 21, 2020 Special Meeting


Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees September 21, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. 

It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at:


Continuous Improvement Plan - Superintendent French shared that most of the plan was complete with information updated in literacy and college and career plan. She noted that approval of the plan would be at the next meeting. Chair Pesina noted the plan also informs the Superintendent’s evaluation. 

Elementary Assessment Review - Dr. Matthew McDaniel, Lewis & Clark Elementary School principal, reported on having elementary students in small groups (25% capacity) to take state and district assessments. He said the experience indicated that the elementary schools would be able to implement the hybrid learning plan with 50% of students in the morning and 50% of students in the afternoon.  

District School Operation/Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year - Dr. French shared that this meeting had been set in July after the increase in community spread resulted in school starting in remote learning to revisit conditions after the Labor Day Holiday. The trend in the Southwest District Health Department was declining cases with the spread classified as “orange” which would translate into “yellow” in the district plan. The Board decided to approve the change from remote learning “red” to hybrid “yellow” effective Monday, Sept. 28. 

Caldwell Transportation Request for Additional Funding for 2019-2020 - April Burton reviewed a request from Caldwell Transportation Company (CTC) for payment for the 2019-20 school year. After discussion and comment from CTC officials, the Board authorized district representatives to enter into negotiations with CTC on payment.