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Board Report 2020 » September 28, 2020 Special Meeting

September 28, 2020 Special Meeting


Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees September 28, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. 

It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at: 


Middle School Athletics - The Board heard an update The Board approved allowing middle school students to participate in sports throughout the rest of the school year at the discretion of the superintendent following specific protocols. 

2020-2021 School Calendar -  The Board approved changes to the 2020-21 School Calendar to have B Day and elementary students to attend school Friday, Oct. 16 & Friday, Oct. 23. Teacher activities planned for those days would shift to the Wednesday prior.

Continuous Improvement Plan - The Board approved the district’s CIP. Dr. French shared that the district’s current 5-year plan will need to be updated to reflect the Board’s vision and she would like to begin the work this year. 

District Reopening and Continuing Operations Plan - Dr. French noted that earlier in the meeting the Board approved changes to allow for middle school sports and to the 2020-21 School Calendar. She shared that parent teacher conferences will be virtual.
Idaho School Boards Association Conference Planning - The trustees discussed how to participate in the ISBA convention which is virtual this year because of COVID.