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Board Report 2020 » June 2020

June 2020

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees June 8, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at: 

Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board.


Dr. French asked Caldwell High School Principal Anita Wilson to share some bright spots. Principal Wilson shared:

  • Advanced Diplomas - 30 advanced diplomas were awarded in three areas: Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM), Advanced Placement and Dual Credit and Career Technical Education.
  • Merit Scholars - Caldwell High School senior Avery Hawkins advanced from semifinalist to finalist for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship.

Dr. French also noted that both Canyon Springs and Caldwell high schools held special parades for seniors to recognize their achievement prior to the rescheduled in person graduation ceremonies in late June.  


The Board approved its Consent Agenda (below) after removing the personnel report:


Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity (CFEO) Report -- CFEO Foundation representatives were invited but were unable to attend and meet trustees. The Board was provided information about the group: Scholarship announcement; Grants; Financial Statements:

Special Education TEAM Program Rezoning - Special Services Director Chynna Hirasaki shared that the TEAM program for children with social emotional needs was over capacity this year serving more than 30 students.  A second site will be added for 2020-21. Current and future TEAM students will be served at the locations based on their residential address, specifically:

  • Students living in the Lewis & Clark, Lincoln, and Washington elementary school attendance zones will attend TEAM at Washington.
  • Students living in the Sacajawea, Wilson, and Van Buren elementary school attendance zones will attend TEAM at Sacajawea. 

Migrant Summer School - The Board approved a revised 2020 Migrant Summer School Health Plan that would begin on June 29 and serve up to 125 students in kindergarten through sixth grades Monday through Thursday. The plan for the four-week program will need final approval from the Southwest District Health Department. 

Caldwell High School Summer School Update - Principal Wilson reported that both Advanced Opportunity and Credit Recovery summer schools opened online. Advanced Opps serves about 240 students in grades 6-11 and Credit Recovery serves about 200 in grades 9-12.    

Caldwell High School Prom - Principal Wilson reviewed plans to hold Prom just for seniors from 8 to 11 p.m. June 26 at Caldwell High School. The Board approved the prom contingent upon approval of the plan by the Southwest District Health Department and with parents signing a waiver. 

Budget Discussion - Chief Finance Office April Burton reviewed preliminary budget figures for 2020-21. The budget hearing is set for June 29.  

Reopening Timeline - Superintendent French shared that committees on  instruction & technology, students and staff wellness, and facilities & operations are meeting to create the district’s plan which will be finished by the end of June.

Legislative Priorities and Resolutions - Trustee Manning reviewed resolutions the Board proposed to the Idaho School Boards Association in 2019. Chair Pesina shared the process ISBA follows to adopt resolutions and asked trustees to consider the Board’s past resolutions and whether others should be developed. Resolutions will be considered again at a future meeting.

July Board Retreat - The board will hold a retreat from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 13 

Personnel Report - The board approved this item moved from the Consent Agenda with Trustee Butler abstaining from voting.   



Superintendent French shared that the following policies are under review by the district policy committee:



There were no policies for first reading. 


The approved for second and final reading the following:

Upcoming events - These events will follow physical distancing rules and also will be livestreamed for the public. 

  • June 29 6 p.m. 2020-21 Budget Hearing, Caldwell High School 
  • June 29 7 p.m. Canyon Springs High School graduation, Caldwell High School
  • June 30 7 p.m. Caldwell High School graduation, Idaho Center