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Board Report 2020 » October 12, 2020 Regular Meeting

October 12, 2020 Regular Meeting



Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Oct. 12, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. 

It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at:


Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board.




Dr. French shared: 

  • Boys Varsity Soccer Team advanced to the district championship game
  • Damian Arguello is the 4A division the first player in Idaho history to ever score 100 goals as a varsity player



No input was submitted. 




The Board approved the following items on its consent agenda:





Caldwell Transportation Co. (CTC) Request for Payment  - The Board approved a payment to CTC of $433,443 for the 2019-20 school year. Chief Financial Officer April Burton said the payment would be submitted to the state and she expects the district would be reimbursed about 76% of the cost from the state resulting in a net cost of about $101,000 to the district. CTC has agreed to reimburse the district in the 2020-21 school year a portion of that $101,000 cost -- about $57,000 -- resulting in a cost to the district of $43,700.  In the event the payment is not reimbursable from the state, CTC agreed to reimburse the $422,000 of the payment. 


T-Mobile Purchase Option - The Board approved the administration moving forward with a lease purchase option sought by T-Mobile. The process would yield a one time payment of $200,000. Previous revenue from the lease had been designated for the Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity (CFEO). Attorney Amy White said the Board and the CFEO Board would need to determine the use of the funds.  


No Trespass Consideration - The Board accepted the administration’s recommendation to  no trespass an individual pursuant to Idaho code 33-512 and to notify the individual in writing. The Board also will consider an updated policy on trespassing in the future. 


Driver's Education Vehicle Lease Agreements - The Board authorized the district to enter into leases for two vehicles for driver’s education and the Board authorized Bill Cooper as the district representative to sign agreements for the vehicles. Lease costs are paid for with revenue generated by the program.


Caldwell Education Association Request - The Board approved a request from CEA and supported by the administration to reopen negotiations to discuss Addendum A of the 2020-21 Master Agreement.


Canyon Springs High School Request - Principal Christine McMillen shared concerns around low attendance and mental health of students in the alternative school in the current A/B hybrid model and requested it change to a four-day a week for every student. She shared the school is able to make this shift safely with its small enrollment of about 171. The Board approved allowing CSHS to shift to four days of in person learning for all its students starting Monday, Oct. 18.     


Enrollment Report - Chief Finance Officer April Burton shared a new report on enrollment that trustees will be receiving each month. The report shows enrollment down more than 460 students compared to the same time last year. 


District School Operation/Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year - The plan will be updated to include the change approved for Canyon Springs High School. The board also received an update on the number of COVID positive cases in schools. 


Future Agenda Items


A request was made for the board to receive attendance reports for all schools similar to the one shared for Canyon Springs High School. 




The following policies are under review: 


First Reading - The Board approved for first reading the following policies:


Second and Final Reading - The Board approved for second and final reading the following policies: