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Board Report 2020 » September 14, 2020 Regular Meeting

September 14, 2020 Regular Meeting

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees September 14, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. 

It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available at:


Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board. 



Dr. French reported elementary students will be returning to school during the week to take the State IRI Assessment. She thanked Child Nutrition and Caldwell Transportation for their help with students.
Trustees received three emails regarding reopening schools.
The Board approved the following items on its consent agenda:
  • Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session – August 10, 2020
  • Minutes for the Special Board Meeting and Executive Session – August 24 , 2020
  • Financials
  • Personnel Report
  • Surplus
  • Bus Routes




Approved Access Control for Caldwell City Police –  In case of emergency during non-school hours, such as evenings and weekends, Caldwell City Police would like to have access to CSD buildings. This would eliminate forced entry and keep our buildings safe and security. 


Sprint Agreement/CFEO - Dr. French reported Sprint has been in contact with CFEO Chairman Bill Gigray about buying out the communication network. Dr. French will update the Trustees when more information is forth coming.

Enrollment Update – April Burton explained CSD student enrollment is down about 300 students. She feels our numbers will grow as we move into the school year. Student enrollment count is due to the SDE on November 6, 2020.

CTE Plan - Anita Wilson is working with CHS and CSHS students in CTE programs. Many students need access to their school and teacher to complete badges, certifications and advancements. Wilson is requesting that Trustees allow

  • CTE students to come to school during remote learning to work on requirements for CTE classes.
  • CTE students in advanced classes to attend both A and B days during the hybrid learning phase
  • CTE Student organizations (CTSO) to meet with their teacher after school.

During remote learning CTE students provide their own transportation. Attendance is not mandatory to attend both A & B schedules but will benefit the students.


The Board approved allowing CTE students to return to school during remote and hybrid learning models and for CTE student organizations to meet with their advisor.


Middle School Athletics – Middle School Principals Swan and Wonderlich expressed their desire to participate in Intervalley Sports League for the first winter session which is scheduled to begin October 5. They will have a plan to present to the Board on September 28, 2020.

Caldwell High School Athletics - Jon Hallock requested that each rostered athlete be given four (4) tickets for guests to each home game. Visiting rostered athletes will be given two (2) tickets each for guests. Face coverings and physical distancing will be required of all guests. Concessions will not be offered at this time.


Vice Chairman T. Manning made a motion that CSD accept the recommendation of proposal one allowing fans on a limited basis with no concessions and Trustee M. Godina seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Trustees gave authority to Superintendent French to review this proposal weekly to determine the possibility of allowing additional fans.


Superintendent French may also restrict the number of fans if COVID cases rise within the school community or if game management becomes an issue.


Caldwell Transportation Request for Additional Funding for 2019-2020 - Mike Stevenson and Mike Groff asked the Board of Trustees to reimburse CTC for lost funds for the 44 days in the spring when school was closed due to COVID-19. Trustees tabled the request and asked to review the following items

  • CTC and CSD contract
  • Invoice from CTC for reimbursement amount
  • Where would CSD get the funds to pay CTC
  • How did other Districts respond this request

Child Nutrition Update - April Burton reported the CSD will be using the seamless summer feeding program. This program gives breakfast and lunch to all CSD children at any school location including Farmway Village. In order to pick up meals, parents or the student will be required to show their CSD student ID.

L-2 Tax Levy - April Burton explained the L-2 Levy is a report that must be filed to the county annually. The report indicates the amount of taxes collected from tax payers.

District School Operation/Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year – Plan will be amended to reflect the actions approved by the Trustees at tonight’s Board Meeting.

Future Agenda Items – Trustees will meet next Monday, September 21 to discuss moving into hybrid learning if our community stays in the yellow phase.




Policies are currently out for review with our committee and/or specific department as needed.

3300 Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free School Zone - replacing 3305 Prohibition of Tobacco/Nicotine Possession and Use

3300E Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement 

3300P Amending policy 551 Student Drug and Alcohol U


First Reading

The Board approved for first reading:

2335 Digital Citizenship and Safety Education - Revision

3010 Open Enrollment rescinding Policy 632

3010P Open Enrollment Procedures

3010F Open Enrollment Application

3016 District Online Options

3016P District Online Options Procedures

5320 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace - Amending Policy 403

Upcoming meetings
  • September 15, 2020, Fall Region Meeting - Meeting will be held via Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
  • September 15, 2020, Boys Varsity Soccer at 6:00 p.m.
  • September 17, 2020, Girls Varsity Soccer at 4:30 p.m.
  • September 18, 2020, Varsity Football Game at 7:00 p.m.
  • September 22, 2020, Varsity Volleyball Game at 6:30 p.m.
  • November 11-13, 2020, Idaho School Board Association's Annual Convention. This will be a virtual conference.