November 9, 2020 Regular Meeting
Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Nov. 8, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner.
It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available above:
The the Academic Code for Athletics item was moved to the regular agenda and the board approved the following:
Academic Code for Athletics - The Board approved the updated code after discussion about changes.
Medical Panel Discussion on COVID - The Board heard updates about the spread of COVID in our community and its impact on the area hospitals from Dr. James Souza who is a pulmonary disease specialist and chief medical officer for St. Luke's Health Systems and Dr. Richard Augustus, MD who is a Hospital Medicine Specialist affiliated with West Valley Medical Center.
District School Operation/Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year - Superintendent French reviewed survey results from parents and staff and the Board approved the district continuing in its current hybrid model until Thanksgiving Break. The Board will meet again Nov. 19 to discuss which the learning model to use after the break.
Master Agreement Addendum A - The Board approved the addendum which includes new language about a one-time stipend for certified staff to be paid in December.
WICAP Community Action Proposal - The Board approved moving forward with allowing WICAP to use the Indian Creek Academy site for community programming.
ISBA Resolutions - The Board decided to discuss the resolutions Tuesday afternoon during a break from Idaho School Boards Association conference sessions.
The Board approved emergency updates to three policies:
The Board approved for first reading the following:
The Board approved the following for second and final reading: