Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Dec. 14, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner.
It is not the official record. The recorded video stream of the meeting is available above.
The Board approved the following consent agenda after moving the personnel report and the surplus to the regular agenda:
Strategic Planning Facilitators - Dr. Robert Sanchez and Rod Grammar of Idaho Business for Education (IBE) - The group has worked with many districts in Idaho. Dr. Sanchez shared the process would start in January 2021 and would culminate in September 2021 and would include surveys, focus groups, and a continuous improvement planning committee. The service is free.
CHS Senior Project for the 2020-2021 school year - Teacher Cheryl Adams reviewed modifications to the senior project graduation requirements. Projects will continue to have a focus on community service.
Caldwell Municipal Irrigation - The Board approved a change in the irrigation provider for Jefferson Middle School from Pioneer Irrigation to Caldwell Municipal Irrigation.
Caldwell Transportation Request for Funding - The Board approved a motion to allow April Burton to continue to work with CTC with their revised request for funding.
Enrollment and Budget Impact - Chief Finance Officer April Burton shared that the district is down about 520 students from a year ago. This loss of students is greater than the estimates used to create the 2020-21 budget for the district. She said she will continue to update the Board on the current year budget and planning for the 2021-22 budget.
District School Operation/Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year - The Board approved Superintendent French recommendation that the district begin 2021 in remote learning through Friday, Jan. 15 and return to its hybrid instructional model on Tuesday, Jan. 19.
The Board approved changes to the district’s pandemic operations plan including:
Placeholder for Consent Agenda Item
The following policies are under review:
The board approved for first reading the following:
The board tabled for further discussion 3560 Electronic Surveillance – Amending Policy 940 Use of Camera Surveillance Ready
The board approved for second and final reading the following: