Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Jan. 13, 2020 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board.
- Caldwell High School vice principals Debbie Dawson and Tyler Harding and Dean of Students Karen Cameron were introduced to the Board.
- CFEO Outstanding Student Achievement Award - Lincoln Principal Richard Jamison, four coaches, and nine students shared information about their Girls on the Run Club.
- Student Recognition - Two choirs performed for the Board - Van Buren Elementary School and the Caldwell High School Madrigals.
Sam Byrd shared some concerns on behalf of four students and their parents. Chair Pesina noted that Superintendent would follow up with Mr. Byrd and the families.
Prior to approving the Consent Agenda, the Board approved two motions:
- The first was to remove Justin Frost from the personnel report on the Consent Agenda and for this to be discussed at a future board meeting.
- The second was to move Item h. Request for Negotiations from the Consent Agenda to the regular agenda for discussion.
The Board approved the following items on its Consent Agenda:
- STEM report - Van Buren Elementary School teacher Aimee Stacey and some of her students shared their STARBASE experience; Dr. Melyssa Ferro and Erik Kendell reviewed STEM opportunities in our middle schools and high school. (Presentation posted on this site.)
- Caldwell School District Drivers Ed Program - Trustees approved the lease of two additional cars for the program.
- Calendar Committee Update - Chief Academic Officer Jodie Mills reviewed progress on developing a Calendar for the 2020-21 School Year. The committee has met three times. It surveyed staff and more than 300 responded. The committee used the survey to create four options which are being shared with staff and parents for feedback. (See handouts posted on this page.)
- Print Shop Copy Contract - The Board awarded a bid for two new black and white copiers for the district print shop to Pacific Office Automation. Over the next five years, the district will save more than $47,000 with the contract.
- Accept Trustee Bevington’s Resignation - The Board accepted the resignation of Lisa Bevington, who represented Zone 1. The Board declared a vacancy in Zone 1 effective Feb. 20, 2020. The Board will accept applications for the vacant position. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. March 10, 2020. A special meeting will be held March 16, 2020 to interview applicants.
- Appointment of Treasurer - The Board appointed Chief Financial Officer April Burton as its Treasurer.
- Field Trip - Approved with Trustee Butler recusing himself.
- New Hire - Approved with Trustee Butler recusing himself.
- Request for Negotiations - Trustees approved this request and Chair Marisela Pesina will serve on the district’s negotiations team.
- The following policies are up for review:
- The Board approved for a first reading the following policies:
- There were no policies posted for second reading.
Upcoming events
- Parent-Teacher Conference week - February 10-14, no school for students February 14
- Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 17, 2020 – no school
- ISBA Day on the Hill, February 17-18, 2020 – Boise, ID
- CHS 2nd Annual Expo – March 10, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm