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Board Report 2019 » December 2019

December 2019

Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Dec. 9, 2019 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The minutes, which are the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the Board.




Superintendent French recognized and thanked trustees Chuck Stout and Tom Briten for their eight and a half years of service on the Board of Trustees. 



  • Lewis & Clark Elementary - Principal Dr. McDaniels shared how students are focused on learning 12 strategies to support learning and life. Students reviewed each of the tools in their toolbox with trustees.
  • Caldwell High School’s Robotics Team - Principal Anita Wilson introduced members of the school’s robotics team consisting of Lydia Beardsley, senior; Joselyn Gutierrez, sophomore; Mason Nelson, sophomore; and Joseph Mondragon, sophomore. The team recently won a tournament against 35 teams from Idaho and Washington. In addition to Tournament Champion, the team won Robot Skills Champion and Design Award.  Caldwell High School will host a robotics tournament on Dec. 28.
  • Satellite Update - Principal Wilson shared that the space satellite experiments created by CHS students in a partnership with Northwest Nazarene University were launched into space this month. CHS teacher Dennis Zattiero attended the launch. Launch video links:



The Board approved the following items on its consent agenda and moved another item to the regular agenda for discussion:



Caldwell High School Student Council - Principal Wilson shared that the school’s student council was named an Outstanding Student Council for the sixth year. She introduced three of the four student council leaders who shared several projects the group is working on including raising funds for the needy in the community, studying leadership, and helping others. See presentation below.

First Generation Celebration - Principal Wilson shared information about programs supporting and encouraging students who are the first in their family to go on to college. TRIO Education Talent Search (ETS) Director Petya Stoyanova Johnson shared that this program is working with about 180 Caldwell students grades 9-12. Director Johnson said the project hopes to receive a grant to extend to middle schools. She introduced Gloria Segura, CHS Class of 2004 who is an ETS educational specialist working with students at Canyon Springs High and Caldwell High schools. 

Superintendent Evaluation - Chairman Stout said the Board completed its evaluation of the superintendent and found that she is doing a very good job. The Board accepted the annual evaluation of the superintendent and extended the superintendent’s contract to the 2022-23 school year.  

Supplemental Levy Resolution - The Board tabled this decision until the January meeting pending a report from Davis Demographics.  

Bond Fiscal Agent - The Board approved changing to Zions Bank as the district’s bond fiscal agent.


Certification of Election - The Board certified November’s trustee election for Zones 2, 3, and 4.   

Placeholder for Consent Agenda Item - The Board approved errata revisions to the following items:


Proposed - The following policies are currently out for review with our committee and/or specific departments as needed:



First Reading - The Board approved the following policies for first reading:

Second and final reading - The Board approved the following policies for second and final reading:




  • Last Day of Second Quarter December 18, 2019,
  • Christmas Break – December 19, 2019 – January 3, 2020
  • Caldwell School District Office will be closed December 23, 2019 – January 3, 2020
  • First day of the third quarter – January 6, 2020