Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees March 11, 2019 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The minutes, which are the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the Board.
Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunities Outstanding Student Achievement Award — Sacajawea Principal Paul Webster introduced fifth grade leaders who are helping support reciprocal teaching at the school to support work in improving reading comprehension.
Student spotlights
- Girls' State Basketball Team -- Members of the Caldwell High School’s girls’ team, who were runners up in the state championship game, and their coach were recognized by the board. Two video recaps were shared -- video 1 and video 2.
- State wrestling -- Members of the CHS wrestling team were honored for their performance at the State Wrestling Tournament.
- Middle School Advanced Orchestra -- Student who were selected for the Southwest Idaho Middle School Orchestra performed for the Board. Watch the video.
Superintendent Report
The following items were shared with the Board
- The district was recognized for hosting the 1A DII boys basketball tournament
- Superintendent French attended the CHS Expo on March 4 and noted that Trustees Pesina and Manning also were present
- She visited Wilson, Sacajawea. Van Buren and CHS last week
- She noted the CHS is undergoing accreditation and trustees are invited to participate in a focus group meeting
- She and the district administrators met with Caldwell Education Association meetings to discuss concerns
- She invited Trustees and others to follow her on Twitter: Shalene French@CSD132Sup
- Superintendent French was named Idaho Middle Level Educator of the Year by the Idaho Middle Level Education Association.
The Board approved its consent agenda.
Threat/Suicide Resource Site Presentation – Julie Mead and M.J. Heinz shared with the Board a new internal resource website for district and school administrators to support work assessing threats and identifying suicide risks in students.
Parent Advisory Group Update – Dr. French introduced a new item for the regular meeting, reports from parent leaders. Parent leaders Janet Calderon, who has children that attend both Syringa Middle School and Lewis and Clark Elementary, and represents our migrant families, along with Hope Ramirez, Parent Advisory leader from Washington Elementary School, who also has a middle school student at Syringa Middle School, shared with the Trustees the various activities held at the schools and expressed appreciation for community engagement and involvement efforts.
Mosaic Charter School Petition – Dr. French shared the administration’s review of the school noting that the proposal duplicates services already provided in the district’s elementary program and recommended the Board not sponsor the charter school. Trustees agreed and in a 5-0 vote denied the petition. With the denial, the Mosaic organizers may ask the Idaho Charter School Commission to authorize the school.
The following policies are currently out for review with our committee and/or specific departments as needed.
- 1300 Caldwell School District Policy - Replacing 204/511
- 1315 District Planning - Replacing 100/101/102
- 2550 Travel and Field Trips - Revisiting policy and forms
- 3015 Home School - Replacing 502
- 3050 Attendance - Revisiting Section 1.5
- 3080 Nonresident Student Attendance - New
- 3090 Foreign Exchange Student - Replacing 508
- 3090P Foreign Exchange Student Procedure
- 3225 Student Clubs: Equal Access - CHS is reviewing and will propose changes
- 3520 and Exhibits Contagious and Infectious Diseases - Replacing 401/560/562/563
- 3550 Removal of Student During School Hours - Replacing 437
- 3550P Removal of Student During School Day Procedure
- 5220 and Forms Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers - Replacing 441/459
- 5220P Assignment and Transfer of Certificated Employees Procedure
- 5330 and Exhibits Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage - Replacing 426/490
- 8100 Transportation - Replacing 710
- 8110 Safety Busing - Replacing 710
- 8120 Bus Routes, Stops, and Non-Transportation Zones - Replacing 710
- 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities - New
- 8160 Contracting for Transportation Services - New
The Board approved the following policies for a first reading. Policies are not final until a second and final reading.
- 4140 Visitors to the Schools - Replacing 934 and Section 3.1.1 of Policy 361
- 4420 Sex Offenders - Replacing 1013
- 5110 Criminal History Background Checks - Replacing 402/402.5
The Board approved the following policies for second and final reading the following policies:
- 1002 Caldwell School District Mission and Value - Replacing 100/101
- 1004 Caldwell School District Continuous Improvement Plan - Replacing 102
- 1230 Duties of the Treasurer - Replacing a portion of 216
- 2620P Grading and Progress Reports - Procedures - Revision per request from Canyon Springs High School
- 3030/Attachments Part-Time Attendance and Dual Enrollment - Replacing 630
- 3280 Equal Education, Nondiscrimination, and Sex Equity - Replacing 290/682
- 4410 Investigations and Arrests by Police Regarding Matters Unrelated to School - Revisions per request of our SROs
- 7000 Goals - Financial Management - New
- 7405 Public Works Contracting and Procurement - Replacing a portion of 850
- 7420/Form Personal Reimbursements - New
- 7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees - New
- 9000 Goals - School Facilities - New
- 9200 Contractor License, Surety Bonds and Insurance - Replacing 806
- March 13, 2019 – End of Third Quarter
- March 14-15, 2019 – No school (Third Quarter Break)
- March 18, 2019 – Fourth Quarter begins
- March 25-29, 2019 – Spring Break
- No work session planned for March.
- Regular meeting Monday, April 8