Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees May 13, 2019 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. The minutes, which are the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the Board.
The Board approved its agenda.
After an executive session, the Board approved the expulsion of a student for a year.
Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunities Recognitions
Washington Elementary School - Bike Club and Girls on the Run Club
Principal Josh Hackenberg and staff shared information about two clubs at the school. Bike Club participants help repair bikes that are donated to children without. Girls on the Run students shared why they enjoy this activity.
Wilson Elementary School - Honor Choir
Principal Tabitha Bruegeman introduced music teacher Brittney Morken and her honor choir students who reviewed activities they did this year to promote a positive school culture. Here are links to the students’ presentation at the meeting and to a video shared with the Board.
Public Feedback
A patron signed up to share concerns with a staff member and was directed to contact the administration to follow up.
Superintendent Report
Superintendent N. Shalene French shared research from a recent conference about the value of choral singing and other synchronized group performances.
The Board shifted three items for discussion later in the agenda and then approved the following items to its consent agenda.
- Parent Advisory Group Update - Parent leaders Kim Kammerman and Shawna Smith shared information about activities in their schools.
- Advanced Diploma - The Board approved this effective for the 2019-20 school year.
- Middle School Chromebook Project – Technology Director Caleb Shore reviewed the district’s plan to update Chromebooks and the Board authorized the purchase.
- Plant Facility Update – Director Bernie Carreira reviewed the status of maintenance project including major upgrades at Syringa and Sacajawea this summer. During discussion, staff shared information about the cost of repairing the high school track.
- Roofing Bid Acceptance - The board accepted bids.
- Grades 6-8 Social Studies Adoption - The Board approved new curriculum adoption as presented.
- Placeholder for Consent Agenda Item.
Proposed -- The following policies are currently out for review with our committee and/or specific departments as needed:
- 1315 District Planning - Replacing 100/101/102
- 2360 Interscholastic Activities – Replacing 571
- 2550 Travel and Field Trips - Revisiting policy and forms
- 2550F2 Parent Permission for Student Participation in Off Campus School Sponsored Events
- 3015/Exhibits Home School – Replacing 502
- 3050 Attendance - Revisiting Section 1.5
- 3080 Nonresident Student Attendance - New
- 3100 Programs for At-Risk/Disadvantaged Students – Replacing 676
- 3225 Student Clubs: Equal Access - CHS is reviewing and will propose changes
- 3320 Substance and Alcohol Abuse – Replacing 551
- 3380 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation – Replacing 571/572
- 3390 Extra and Co- Curricular Chemical Use – Replacing 571/572
- 3400 Extra-Curricular Activities Drug-Testing Program – Replacing 571/572
- 3520/Exhibits Contagious and Infectious Diseases - Replacing 401/560/562/563
- 3550 Removal of Student During School Hours - Replacing 437
- 3550P Removal of Student During School Day Procedure
- 5220/Forms Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers - Replacing 441/459
- 5220P Assignment and Transfer of Certificated Employees Procedure
- 5330/Exhibits Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage - Replacing 426/490
- 8100 Transportation - Replacing 710
- 8110 Safety Busing - Replacing 710
- 8120 Bus Routes, Stops, and Non-Transportation Zones - Replacing 710
- 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities - New
- 8160 Contracting for Transportation Services – New
- 9910 Indoor Environmental Quality - New
First Reading -- The Board approved the following policies:
- 7218 Federal Grant Financial Management System – NEW
- 7235/Forms Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds – Replacing 877/NEW
- 7235P/Forms Written Compensation Procedure (Time and Effort)
- 7237 Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants - NEW
- 7270 Property Records – Replacing 859/NEW
- 7320 Allowable Uses for Grant Funds - NEW
- 7320P1 Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses
- 7320P2 Selected Items of Cost
- 7400 Procurement Management System – Replacing 418/850/920/922
- 7400P1 Procurement Under a Federal Award
- 7400P2 Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award
- 7400P3 Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award – Competition
- 7400P4 Federal Contract Administration
- 7407 Public Procurement of Goods and Services – Replacing 850
- 7430 Travel Allowances and Expenses – Replacing 846
- 7450 Federal Cash Management - NEW
- 7450P1 Timely Obligation of Funds
- 7450P2 Federal Program Income
- 9100 Acquisition, Use, and Disposal of School Property – Replacing 850/920/922
Second and Final Reading -- The Board approved the following policies:
The tabled Policy 3545 Student Interviews, Interrogations, or Arrests - Replacing Policy 1004
After an executive session, the Board took action to end probation for a staff member at the conclusion of the school year.