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1502 Fillmore St.
(208) 455-3300 *FAX (208) 455-3302
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Idaho English learners will be participating in the ACCESS for ELLs English Language Proficiency assessment between January 23, 2023 and March 3, 2023. English learners take the ACCESS for ELLs assessment each year to determine the child’s level of English language proficiency and growth. Each school will inform you of the exact dates your children are scheduled to take the ACCESS assessment.
ACCESS for ELLs may only be administered in-person and we are taking every precaution to ensure a safe testing environment. We are following district policy which aligns to protocols recommended by Southwest District Health, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health Services (DHS), including social distancing, mask requirements, flexible schedules and the frequent sanitization of student spaces and equipment.”
Attached is an ACCESS for ELLs Information for Families handout English, Chinese, Arabic, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese] or can be found on the district website which gives more information about the English language proficiency assessment including its purpose, what scores will be produced and provided, and how the scores will be used.
Your student’s performance on this assessment will not affect his or her grades. Please encourage your child(ren) to take the test seriously and encourage them to do their best. The results of these tests will help our school make determinations regarding planning, instruction, and services to best support students.
Students will need to bring their Chrome book and charging cable.
If you have any questions, please contact Shani Cummins (se habla español) at 208-455-3300 x2315.
Thank you,
CSD EL Program
1502 Fillmore St.
(208) 455-3300 *FAX (208) 455-3302
Estimado(a) padre/tutor:
Los estudiantes de inglés de Idaho participarán en la evaluación de ACCESS entre el 23 de
enero de 2023 y el 3 de marzo de 2023. Los estudiantes de inglés toman la evaluación ACCESS cada año para determinar su nivel de dominio del idioma inglés y su crecimiento. Cada escuela va a informarles las fechas que los estudiantes están programados para tomar la evaluación ACCESS.
La evaluación ACCESS solo puede ser entregada en persona y estamos tomando todas las precauciones para asegurar un ambiente de pruebas seguro. Estamos siguiendo la política del distrito que se alinea con los protocolos recomendado por el Southwest District Health, el Center para Disease Control (CDC) y el Department of Health Services (DHS) incluyendo distanciamiento social, horarios flexibles, y la desinfección frecuente de los espacios y equipos de los estudiantes
Se adjunta un folleto ACCESS a la Información para Familias de los ELL y se lo encuentra en la website del distrito en English, Chinese, Arabic, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese] que da más información sobre la evaluación, incluyendo su propósito, qué puntuaciones se darán y cómo se usarán las puntuaciones.
El mal desempeño de su estudiante en esta evaluación no afectará sus notas. Por favor, aliente a su hijo(s) a tomar el examen en serio y a hacerlo lo mejor posible. Los resultados de estas pruebas ayudarán a nuestra escuela a tomar decisiones sobre la planificación, la instrucción y los servicios para apoyar mejor a los estudiantes.
Los estudiantes deberán traer su Chromebook y cable de carga.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor comuníquese con Shani Cummins (se habla español) al 208-455-3300 x2315.
CSD EL Program
Our Mission
Program Overview
Caldwell School District’s English Learner program provides instruction to develop language skills including the four communication domains: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Students improve reading skills with intense vocabulary, reading comprehension, and decoding instruction. Our goal is for students to become proficient in the English language and high academic achievers.
Students are identified as English Learners (ELs) through the W-APT screener or the WIDA online screener, a language proficiency placement test.
• L1 – first year in U.S. schools
• LE/EL – English Learner
• FLEP – Former English Learner
• EW – English Learner services waived
Elementary Services / Servicios de escuela primaria
At Caldwell School District’s six elementary schools, EL pull out is used to serve students at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Some co-teaching is also being implemented.
Beginning Proficiency: Imagine Learning, a language-literacy software program, provides instruction with student’s native language support. Additionally, Cornerstone curriculum is used with grades 1-3 and students work in small groups to receive targeted instruction in language development by a certified EL teacher.
Intermediate and Advanced Proficiency: English 3D is a curriculum that focuses on effective expression through building concepts and language, analyzing and discussing text, presenting ideas, and collaborative academic writing. Listening, reading, writing, and speaking are practiced daily.
GLAD: A CSD initiative is to train all second-year elementary teachers in Project GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) in order to best serve our EL students in the general education classroom.Parent Engagement / Compromiso de los padres
El Distrito Escolar de Caldwell está comprometido con la participación de sus padres a través del EL/ Migrant PAC (Comité Acción de Padres) y los grupos de padres del Título 1-A. El propósito de estos grupos es asesorar al distrito sobre las preocupaciones de los padres y la mejora de estos programas. Si está interesado en participar en cualquiera de estos grupos, comuníquese con la Oficina de CSD o la escuela de su hijo.
Secondary Services / Servicios de la escuela secundaria
At both middle schools (Jefferson Middle and Syringa Middle) and Caldwell High School, EL courses are offered at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Beginning Proficiency: System 44 is a blended-instruction model of a research-based software, direct teacher instruction targeted to individual needs, and an independent reading component.
Intermediate and Advanced Proficiency: Read 180 is the intermediate program which also uses blended-instruction model of a research-based software, direct teacher instruction, and an independent reading component.
English 3D is a curriculum that focuses on effective expression through building concepts and language, analyzing and discussing text, presenting ideas, and collaborative academic writing. Communication is practiced daily with an emphasis on professional communication.
Canyon Springs High School
EL students at Canyon Springs High School are served with small class sizes and teachers who accommodate for students’ academic needs—including targeted interventions and strategic tutoring to keep track of their progress toward graduation.Caldwell Schools CTE Programs are open to all students. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or language skills.
Los programas CTE de Caldwell Schools están abiertos a todos estudiantes. No discriminamos por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, género, discapacidad o habilidades lingüísticas.