Identification Procedures for Elementary:
Formal academic and intellectual identification occurs during the spring semester after winter benchmark testing is complete and the data is collected, but before spring break. Testing is offered for 1st - 4th graders who qualify to test for placement the following year. Students who score in the top quintile of both math and reading benchmarks will receive a permission to test form to sign for testing of their child with the CogAt(Cognitive Achievement Test). Students who take the test and qualify will be given an ILP(Individualized Learning Plan) with services listed that the student should receive the following year. Once qualified, students will continue to receive an ILP listing services being provided to them each elementary year.
Qualification for the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP):
Making Referrals:
Students may be referred by a teacher, parent, administrator, ALP Coordinator, or may self-refer. Please follow the link provided below to refer a student.
If you have specific questions, please contact the ALP Coordinator, Gena Chaney [email protected] or the Chief Officer of Special Services, Julie Mead [email protected].