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Pushing Into Google Slide Decks

Have you ever assigned an assignment in Google Slides and forced Google Classroom to make a copy for every student so that they can each work on their own version of a project only to find that you forgot to put something important into the Slide deck?  Are you using a Digital Interactive Notebook with Google Slides and you need to add in the pages for the next unit?  Have you ever thought about putting together a running agenda deck of Slides for students but needed the ability to update it each time you added a new week's worth of information?  Well, here is the solution for you!  Follow these step-by-step instructions for installing and using a great Google Slides Add-on called Slip-in-Slides. 
There is also information in this presentation about a second method of pushing slides out to students after you have published an assignment from Alice Keeler.  Her method is a little more complex and involves some coding in a Google Sheet but her tutorial video is linked to the end of this explanation so you can check it out if you are up for the challenge.